Ally Rich

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How Independent, Internal Investigations and Culture Assessments Can Enhance Sports Programs

Following allegations and complaints of hazing in its football program, Northwestern University retained a former United States Attorney General to conduct an internal review of the allegations and provide an analysis and risk assessment into the Athletic Department’s culture. While the reason for the review is unfortunate, this evaluation offers a critical tool for not … Continue Reading

Supreme Court Restricts the Scope of the Aggravated Identity Fraud Statute

Earlier this month, the Supreme Court of the United States decided Dubin v. United States, No. 22-10, 2023 WL 3872518, at *1 (U.S. June 8, 2023), in favor of the defendant. Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote the opinion for the Court, which held that 18 U.S.C. § 1028A(a)(1), aggravated identity theft, is violated only when the … Continue Reading

Sports Betting and the NCAA: What You Need to Know

“If you put something at risk (such as cash, entry fee, dinner or other tangible item) on any amateur and/or professional sporting event with a chance to win something in return, you violate NCAA sports wagering rules.”[1] Once the Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional the federal law[2] prohibiting sports betting in Murphy v. Nat’l Collegiate Athletic … Continue Reading

Updates to the Department of Justice Corporate Monitorship Policy: A Potential Increase in New Monitorships

At the American Bar Association’s 38th Annual National Institute on White Collar Crime, Assistant Attorney General (“AAG”) Kenneth A. Polite, Jr. announced the Department of Justice’s (“DOJ”) Revised Memorandum on Selection of Monitors in Criminal Division Matters (the “Revised Policy”), the culmination of a two-year process to revise and update policies regarding the selection, appointment … Continue Reading

Department of Justice Continues to Stress Importance of Robust Corporate Compliance Programs

At last week’s American Bar Association’s 38th Annual National Institute on White Collar Crime, both Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco and Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite, Jr. provided additional insight into the DOJ’s continued focus on corporate criminal enforcement. Our previous blog post details the expansion of DOJ’s National Security Division and the … Continue Reading

DOJ Ends “China Initiative” Targeting Economic Espionage

On February 23, 2022, the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) announced the end of an initiative to prioritize suspected Chinese economic espionage. The intent of the initiative was to prevent China’s intelligence apparatus from stealing U.S. technology, specifically from research institutions and universities. However, DOJ National Security Division Chief Matthew Olsen stated the initiative “fueled … Continue Reading