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France Issues Further CSRD Guidance on Compliance Reporting

Our colleagues Marion Seranne and Saeid Abedi recently covered the French Anti-Corruption Agency’s (“AFA”) newly published guidance addressing Corporate Reporting Sustainability Directive (“CSRD”) reporting for companies that do not meet the French Sapin II law thresholds.  In short, the agency stated that CSRD reporting standards trigger an obligation to implement an antibribery and corruption compliance program – a … Continue Reading

ESG Due Diligence Update: First lessons from Recent Rulings in the EU

There has been a major shift in the European Union (“EU”) in recent years around Environment, Social and Governance (“ESG“), from voluntary corporate social responsibility initiatives to a much more regulated and legislation-driven ESG regime. A key component driving this shift is the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive of June 13, 2024 (“CS3D”),[1] which established … Continue Reading

The Price Cap on Russian Oil – Part 2: Updated OFAC Guidance

In our previous article on this topic (which you can read here), we analyzed recent enforcement activity by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) related to the maritime transport of Russian-origin crude oil and Russian-origin petroleum products above price caps agreed by the “Price Cap Coalition,” comprising Australia, Canada, … Continue Reading

The Price Cap on Russian Oil – Part 1: Increased OFAC Enforcement

In June 2022, the Group of Seven (“G7”) countries—Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States—decided to pursue a policy to cap the price of Russian oil. In December 2022, the G7 countries, joined by Australia and the supranational European Union (together, the “Price Cap Coalition”) officially implemented measures to ban … Continue Reading

Noteworthy Trends in French White Collar Crime

France’s Sapin II Law was created in 2016 to address corporate corruption and implement antibribery measures. The legislation took effect in 2017, marking a significant shift in the country’s regulatory compliance landscape. The law, which tracks closely with similar laws in the US, UK, and other EU countries, requires large companies [1] to implement a … Continue Reading

2018 – Problem and Promise of Cryptocompliance in Europe

In the first part of this three-part post, we examined “cryptocompliance” as an emerging focus of various Asian regulators, click here. Next, we analyze European (and intergovernmental) attitudes. As will become clear, there is perhaps a healthy blend on display between “cryptocaution” and “cryptofriendliness.” Countries such as the UK and France are making an effort … Continue Reading

Changes to Whistleblowing Regulation under French Data Protection Law

In June 2017 the French data protection authority, the CNIL, published a revised norm for reporting systems ( “AU-004”) that will permit the implementation of the changes recently  introduced by the new French Anti-corruption Law “Sapin II” (as set out in our previous article “New French Anti-corruption Law Sapin II”). To read more about the change … Continue Reading

Major Changes on Whistleblowing in France

From January 1, 2018, there will be an obligation on almost all employers to implement reporting/whistleblowing schemes. France has historically been very reluctant to support workplace whistleblowing, especially anonymously. Whistleblowing schemes were effectively only authorized in 2005 to permit US companies to comply with their SOX obligations. Those regulations were very restrictive, limited to employees … Continue Reading

New French Anti-corruption Law “Sapin II”

At the end of 2016, after having undergone the scrutiny of the French constitutional court, French Law n° 2016-1691 of 9 December 2016, also known as “Sapin II” after the Finance and Economy Minister behind it, was finally enacted. It will, amongst other things, strengthen French anti-corruption regulations and has been hailed as a “game-changer”. … Continue Reading

New EU directive allows public contract suppliers convicted of corruption to “self-clean” their bad behaviour

The Public Contacts Directive (2014/24/EC – the “2014 Directive”)[1] sets out the legal framework for public procurement when contracting authorities seek to acquire supplies, services, or works (e.g. civil engineering or building). The intention is that procurement rules become simpler and more flexible. Despite the 2014 Directive not requiring transposition into Member States’[2] law until … Continue Reading

Five Minutes on… Anti-Bribery and Corruption Laws in Europe

Anti-bribery and corruption has been a hot topic in the US for almost 40 years. The topic has historically however received much less attention within Europe. That is now changing as Europe is beginning to catch up and many European countries have already implemented anti-bribery laws much stricter than those in the US. Recent events … Continue Reading

Oil and Gas Giant Total S.A. Pays Fourth Highest Penalty In FCPA Enforcement History

On May 29, 2013, Total S.A. (“Total”), the French oil and gas conglomerate, entered into a three-year deferred prosecution agreement (DPA) with the DOJ and a settlement agreement with the SEC to resolve past violations of the FCPA’s anti-bribery, books and records and internal controls provisions.  As part of the agreements, Total will pay $245.2 … Continue Reading