Tag Archives: Cooperation

New DOJ Guidance on Cooperation in False Claims Act Matters

This week, the Civil Division of the U.S. Department of Justice released guidelines on cooperation credit in False Claims Act cases. The guidelines strongly emphasize voluntary disclosure, but also provide insight into other actions that could give rise to cooperation credit.… Continue Reading

Rosenstein Pledges Reduced Regulation, Encourages Self-Reporting

U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein pledged an enforcement environment in which businesses can thrive. In keynote remarks at the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform, he emphasized the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) commitment to “avoiding unnecessary interference in law-abiding enterprises.” Rosenstein also promoted the benefits of corporate compliance and self-reporting. Although allegedly offering “no breaking news” about DOJ policies, … Continue Reading

Ever Wonder Whether FCPA Cases Lead to China Enforcement Actions?

A frequent topic of anti-corruption discussions is despite the aims for increased cooperation between US and foreign regulators in the wake of the Siemens case, whether increased visibility of US enforcement actions has in fact led to enforcement actions by regulators outside the United States? In the case of China, discerning an answer has been difficult. The resolution of … Continue Reading